Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The reports that President Trump will reinstate the death penalty are only partly correct. They should have stated “for convicted criminals.” The death penalty and execution by abortion of innocent unborn children has remained in effect since the Roe v Wade decision. Since then, pregnant women have been the entire judicial system to decide if their helpless, innocent unborn children live or die. Sometimes they were also the executioner.
Some people oppose the death penalty because they fear an innocent person may be executed. Since we are only human, we may execute innocent people and set guilty ones free. But God doesn’t make mistakes and He will correct any one we may make at the Last Judgment when the most important decision—where each of us will spend eternity—is decided.
Unborn children are of course innocent. Haven’t you ever heard the saying, “As innocent as a new-born baby?”
It will be interesting to see h...
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