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Letter: Noteworthy achievement

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I hope all you readers appreciated the significance of the Virginia School Boards Association awards article (“5 Mathews programs featured in VSBA directory,” April 23 issue). Out of 102 awards across 44 school districts, Mathews won five and Lee-Jackson Elementary three of those.
This is a noteworthy achievement for a district and county as small as Mathews and a recognition of programs that cut across the educational spectrum.
As a volunteer at Lee-Jackson and a former elementary teacher, I can personally attest to the outstanding quality of the leadership, faculty and staff that led to their awards. I visit Mrs. Bloomfield’s class occasionally and am always impressed with her dedication and enthusiasm which is reflected in the students. I see the results of the Kindness Counts program as I interact and observe the interactions of the children. It is a joy to see them reaching out to one another or to be greeted so warmly as they arrive at school. These resul...

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