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Letter: No Walls exemplifies best of community

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing to express my appreciation and thanks to all of those who made the No Walls event of Aug. 26 a tremendous success! Because of your efforts, students came to school on Tuesday morning more prepared than ever before! Your generosity of time and effort exemplifies the very best of our community of Mathews.
Thank you, First Baptist Church, Relevant Church, Salem UMC, Living Waters Church, Cornerstone Fellowship Church, Antioch Baptist Church, Mathews Baptist Church, Zion Baptist Church, Kingston Parish, Central UMC, and Mathews Chapel UMC! Thank you, Pastor Patrick Billups, Minister Scott Marshall, Pastor Johnathan Walden, Pastor Carmaleta Billups, Pastor Meghan Clayton, Pastor Ronnie Duncan, and Mrs. Bekah Helbig for heading up this amazing effort!
As a school administrator, I worry constantly about our students and what they need. This year when I asked “do you have all your school supplies? How can I help you get what you need?” Many stu...

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