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Letter: ‘No’ to the referendum

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

I would like to commend Ashley Chriscoe and Phillip Bazzani for being good stewards of our hard-earned taxes. Five other members of Gloucester Board of Supervisors have proposed raising your taxes to fund a series of capital projects through a referendum this November. Supervisor Gibson indicates he wants to see “progress” in Gloucester County. I would say if he wants progress, then he should move to another locality where his kind of “progress” means higher taxes.

The five voted for a referendum to include proposed projects such as the construction of a new fire department on Main Street, the Gloucester Point Beach, improvement to Woodville Park, and the renovation of the GHS Sports Complex. I support the “need” for a new fire department building. The other projects are unneeded “wants”. Mr. Chriscoe and Mr. Bazzani say that the new fire department can be built without raising taxes and without the need for a referendum. The other members are having non...

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