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Letter: No Constitutional basis for entitlement programs

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Dear Congressman Rob Wittman, Republicans and fellow Patriots. I note in the news that "House Republican leaders have unveiled a new rule to require that each bill filed in the House ‘cite its specific Constitutional authority’." So, I will be interested to see what Constitutional authority is cited for any budget resolution or appropriation that seeks to fund such Unconstitutional entitlement programs as Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, etc., that consume some 60 percent of the federal budget.

Of course, the answer is simple. Republicans did not say that they would challenge any citation is inaccurate nor did they say they would vote against any obviously incorrect citation. In the meantime, our government continues to borrow 5 billion dollars every working day and the federal deficit has gone up 1 trillion dollars in the last seven months. Beam me up, Dear Leader. I’m taxed enough already.

Richard Hicks

North, Va.

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