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Letter: Mystery of the disappearing flags

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Much space has been devoted in the letters section of this paper regarding the Confederate flags on display at the Mathews Courthouse War Memorial. Rather than a passionate proponent of either side of the debate, I feel the debate itself is a healthy expression of a very real and important historical and cultural conversation in which our society—both nationally and locally—is involved.

Has nobody but me noticed during the last three Market Days celebrations that those Confederate flags have disappeared? They’re there on Thursday, but have mysteriously disappeared on the Friday and Saturday of Market Days, appearing once again on either the Sunday or Monday after, remaining on display 363 days until the next Market Days rolls around. Three years in-a-row signifies a deliberate, planned action.

I’m curious. What individual, county office, civic organization or law enforcement agency consistently removes these flags for the duration of ...

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