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Letter: MHS After-Prom Party support appreciated

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Mathews High School After-Prom Committee, as well as the juniors and seniors of Mathews High School, would like to thank everyone who contributed to the success of the annual After-Prom Party. Once again, the party was a popular event in a safe, drug- and alcohol-free environment.
The support we receive shows that our community members value the opportunity for our teenagers to have an enjoyable time, and we could not provide this experience without the help of our local businesses and generous individuals. There are a vast number of people and companies that deserve an individual thank you, yet we believe it is a testament to our county’s dedication to our youth that there are too many to contact personally. Please accept our sincere thank you for your generosity.
Judy Emanuel
Pam Harrington
MHS After-Prom Committee

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