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Letter: McAuliffe for governor

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Here we go again. Another rich businessman has decided he knows how to govern without any previous experience in government, in this case, the state of Virginia. Just like the Former Guy, Donald Trump, who attempted to overthrow democracy in America so he could be king. Glenn Youngkin, a former CEO of The Carlyle Group, wants to be our governor. It is useful to know as much about him as possible.
The Carlyle Group is a private equity corporation that bought up properties like mobile home parks, raised the rent on sites to the point that low-income renters and seniors on fixed incomes couldn’t afford them and had to move. Then the group sold the sites for profit. In one case, the gross profit was $85 million. Shareholders must have really liked that.
The group also bought a nursing home chain and instituted cost-cutting measures that resulted in the loss of hundreds of jobs. Complaints of deteriorating service and neglect followed. It’s all about the profit for ...

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