Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am writing this because I am incensed, as many of you are also, at the callous, manufactured and politically motivated way in which I was dismissed from the Mathews Planning Commission after 5+ years of dedicated service to my county. It makes no logical sense; therefore, it must be a personal attack.
The self-serving individuals on the board of supervisors, with the sole exception of Rev. Mason, have no agendas except ones of their own making. In addition, I have spent over 10 years’ service to my county on the Middle Peninsula Planning District Commission, only to be unceremoniously replaced without notice by these same supervisors. This is so very typical of their modus operandi.
Wake up, Mathews! We are all being deceived by this group who pretend to want the best for the people of Mathews County, but instead want only their personal objectives. Everything they do is negative, negative, negative. Rev. Mason is the only bright spot on an otherwise uneducat...
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