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Letter: Mathews at a critical point

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Mathews is at a critical point in its history. We need the smartest and the best moral people to run our government. That is why I am supporting Bowen, Phillips and Doss for Board of Supervisors. As for the school board, I am supporting Diggs, Broaddus and Smith. These candidates have the best interest of Mathews County. Our schools need improvements and maintenance.

I support Marie Walls for Commonwealth’s Attorney. She is the best qualified and has no hidden agenda.

Some of the other candidates have hidden agendas, so be mindful of their false claims.

Get out and vote. It is easy in Mathews. Voting early eliminates lines. We have drive-up voting, thanks to Mrs. Faulkner.

Mike RoweCardinal, Va.

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