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Letter: Market Days success for SCV

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
We, the members of Lane-Armistead Camp 1772, Sons of Confederate Veterans, Mathews, would like to thank all the folks who visited our booths during Mathews Market Days. We met a lot of great people from Mathews and the surroundings areas. They came to support us for being there, for fighting for the monuments and history, and for keeping the Confederate flags flying.
The amount of money from donations and sales this year topped all other years combined at Market Days. There were people who came to take pictures of our members who had dressed up in Confederate uniforms and as President Davis, and Capt. Sally Tompkins.
It was great to see all the smiles on everyone’s faces that came by to receive free Confederate stick flags. We gave out over 300 of these flags at this year’s Market Days. The citizens supported us in such numbers that we believe the voice of Mathews and surrounding areas have spoken. Thank you for your support of our true historical s...

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