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Letter: March for Life

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The annual March for Life is scheduled for noon on Friday in Washington, D.C. It protests the 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion in the U.S. Since then, the U. S. alone has aborted more than 63 million helpless, innocent unborn children. For comparison, in World War II there were between 60 and 85 million deaths (both sides, military and civilian combined).
I am always inspired by the number of young people who often travel long distances to the march regardless of nasty weather in January. They are the pro-life generation who survived their time in the womb thanks to their mothers choosing life instead of abortion. Although some organizations seem to be declining with time, the presence and enthusiasm of those young pro-lifers assures us they will continue to fight until they win.
This will probably be an important and well-attended march because of Roe v. Wade and the Texas Heartbeat Act being deliberated by the Supreme Court.
If ...

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