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Letter: Make YMCA shelter open to pets

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I concur with Paul Vanden Bout’s letter to the editor (“YMCA project deserves county’s support,” Feb. 12 Readers Write) in support of the proposed Mathews YMCA facility. I would like to see our board of supervisors and community fully supporting it. We are all working hard to have this become a reality.
Could we go a step further? With all the inclement weather throughout the nation, we all probably think about what we would do if the need to evacuate arises. I can tell you I would prefer going someplace nearby where I know people, and I would like to be able to take my pets. That’s the step further I’m proposing. Just think of the support we would receive if we proposed taking care of our citizens and pets, too!
Libby Crawford
New Point, Va.

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