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Letter: Librarian does not deserve to be maligned

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I was dismayed to read of the gentleman’s concern expressed at the Mathews Board of Supervisors meeting (Gazette-Journal, May 26, page 14A) regarding our Mathews Memorial Library Director, Bette Dillehay. While I was not at the library at the time, it seems to me to be rather heavy handed and inappropriate to bring such a complaint to a public forum and further to threaten legal action.
What may have been interpreted by the gentleman as rudeness, on the part of the librarian, was likely a very strict adherence to the rules and policies for library technology use and a very dedicated commitment, on the part of the librarian, to protect library resources. Our library director is charged with such responsibilities by the board to whom she reports and I feel certain they expect nothing less.
Thanks to Bette’s leadership, her respect for the diverse needs of our citizens and her strong community focus, our library is a dynamic and contemporary learning e...

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