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Letter: Ledbetter for sheriff

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Although I don’t often write letters to the editor, I felt that it was important for me to send this. I recently met Jim Ledbetter and his family, friends and co-workers. I was pleased to meet this kind, considerate and energetic group of people. My thoughts about Jim were verified when he took time out to come see me and explain changes in a business project that we were working on together. He wanted to make sure that my feelings weren’t hurt by the change. Wow … what a shock, I thought. Here was an experienced leader in the police department, and he cared about how I felt!

I had worked in Richmond for 17 years in a position where I worked with the police on many projects. I developed a deeper respect for the police during this time. However, I also saw how some of those in power let their ego and love of power give them a "greater than thou" attitude. When I saw that Jim was the complete opposite of this, I realized that he...

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