Editor, Gazette-Journal:
With distress, I read Mr. Newhouse’s opinion regarding coyotes (“Coyote on increase in area,” April 17 Reader’s Write). If Mr. Newhouse were to research the subject, I’m sure he would find that many more dogs and cats suffer and die as a result of man’s cruelty than are killed by coyotes. How unfortunate that this cruelty also extends to our wildlife.
I do not advocate killing “24 hours a day, all year long” as Mr. Newhouse does. What I do advocate is education. There are several organizations that offer excellent information regarding the co-existence with wildlife, and specifically in this case, coyotes. The Humane Society of the United States and Born Free USA are just two of them. I urge everyone to visit these websites. Learn how to protect your pets and livestock. Seek advice from a wildlife biologist that specializes in coyote behavior.
The senseless killing of coyotes is not the answer. Despite man’s...
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