Editor, Gazette-Journal:
The Mathews High School After-Prom Committee is hard at work planning and fundraising for the annual after-prom party to be held this year at MHS on April 21, immediately following the prom. This event provides a safe, alcohol- and drug-free environment for our kids to celebrate after the prom. Once again, Mathews County has stepped forward and supported their youth. The MHS After-Prom Committee held its annual Waiters’ Night on Thursday, Feb. 23, with great support from the community. The committee would like to thank all of the businesses that so graciously hosted our event: StanStrings, Sandpiper Reef, Seabreeze, Lynne’s and Richardson’s restaurants. We would also like to thank their staffs for being so kind and supportive, and the wonderful volunteers that served customers that evening.
And, most of all, we would like to say "Thank You" to the patrons who came out in support of a wonderful event that helps keep our kids saf...
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