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Letter: Keeping Harcum clean

Keeping Harcum clean
Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I would like to thank the 11 volunteers who came out in the rain on Oct. 10 to pick up 12 bags of trash on 3.5 miles of roads in the Harcum area. Under the sponsorship of the Piankatank Community League (PCL) volunteers in Harcum have accomplished this civic activity twice a year for the last 12 years! Over this time period, that amounts to over 280 orange bags of trash or an average of 80 bags of trash per mile. Can you imagine what these roads would look like now if they hadn’t been so generous with their time?
While I am at it, I would like to further extend thanks to the residents and other volunteers in Harcum on the varied activities of community service. As you know if you have read my past letters, the PCL along with residents of the Harcum community have hosted a super potluck dinner for Gloucester Volunteer Fire & Rescue twice a year for as long as anyone here can remember. Volunteers also have purchased and delivered ov...

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