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Letter: Kayak camp truly a community effort

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

A week of kayaking and conservation activities was recently held at the West Mathews Civic League building in Bohannon. It is a yearly camp, partially funded by the Mathews Community Foundation through the Mary Watt Pulley Wildlife Preservation Fund and sponsored by the Mathews Maritime Foundation. This year, the sixth consecutive, was the most interesting and best weather ever. I want to thank each participant and their efforts.

Once again the collaborations were key to the success. Each year we may add new presenters, but there seems to be a list of folks who await the invitation, and more of those who just remind me they want to do it again. 

This year the presenters were:

Mary Lee Andrewskiewicz, Virginia Cooperative Extension 4-H, taught the campers which items could be recycled and the Coast Guard Auxiliary Flotilla 66 with Tom Edwards, Ken Lee and Jim Gierlak illustrated “Safety at Sea” with a life jacket drill, tossing a throwable l...

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