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Letter: Kaine willing to abandon his convictions

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

When the Clintons searched for a running mate, they needed a man who was not only boring, but, preeminently, corruptible. Tim Kaine is the perfect fit.

A devout Catholic, Mr. Kaine was willing to exchange his religious convictions for a mess of political pottage. Though personally opposed to abortion he vows not to impose his beliefs on others. After all, legal means legal. Thereby Mr. Kaine justifies slavery, forced sterilization of the so-called infirm and Jim Crow laws. Each was perfectly legal in its time. Morality, it seems, abides equally in the conscience of the just and the bigot.

Mr. Kaine also enjoys the cover provided by that vast silent majority of shepherds who refuse to teach and preach abortion ethics from the pulpit lest they disturb their comfortable congregants and, in doing, bite the hands that feed them.

The sophists we have with us always. Smiling, respectable, affable, masters of the half-truth and euphemism, they promise to fill our b...

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