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Letter: It’s past time to leave the UN

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Oct. 24 is United Nations Day.
Alger Hiss, an American communist spy, was instrumental in the formation of the UN and served as its first secretary-general. The present secretary-general is Antonio Guterres of Portugal who has previously served as president of the Socialist International, formerly known as the Communist International.
True, in the Security Council we have a veto, but we very seldom use it. In the General Assembly we get one vote where there are 192 other member nations. In spite of the fact that most of them get foreign aid from us, almost all vote against our best interests.
After WWII, the war-weary United States voted to join the UN, having been sold on the belief that the UN would bring peace to the world. We have been in wars continuously since the UN was founded, none of which have been declared a war by Congress as required by the Constitution.
Obama signed the UN’s Small Arms Treaty which, when implemented, would destroy our Second Amen...

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