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Letter: It took a village

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
It took a village of neighbors, friends and family to take care of two of three feral cats in our neighborhood. It took Carol Bova and her friend to bring her a trap. It took Elsa with information on Danny the injured cat, Chris and Terry to bring me a trap and how-to info. It took Tamara and Buzz with cooperation and another how-to to operate the trap. It took Greg Crawford with loading and hauling Danny (the cat) to the Humane Society, as did Chris later.
All of this took place after a letter to the editor (“Feral cat problem,” March 4 Readers Write) and asking for help. Two days later, a call came from Waynette Kelly of the Gloucester-Mathews Humane Society telling us what they could do to help and also tips on how to catch cats. About three days later, Carol caught Danny and, sadly, he had to be euthanized. Six days later, I trapped Blue-Sammy, the Siamese. Though spayed, she had lived outside for at least one year. Sadly, I couldn’t adopt her as I already ...

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