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Letter: Issue isn’t fairness; it’s about getting a grip on spending

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In response to the article titled "Complaints flood in following Mathews reassessment" (Nov. 25 issue), I would like to offer one simple observation. Supervisor Ingram stated that he feels we need to wait and see if our assessment increase is in line with our neighbors.

It always amazes me how elected officials have a keen sense of turning people’s ire away from the real problem to one of "fairness." The issue here is not about being treated in line with our neighbors; it’s really about our elected officials not having a grip on spending and putting us in this situation to begin with!

Case in hand—did we really ever need a multi-million dollar county courthouse structure? I am all for progress, folks, but let’s weigh improvements against benefit to the residents and approach these improvements in a way that enables people to hang on to what they have in this difficult downturned economy!

As individuals we ha...

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