Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Did President Biden set out to destroy this country or is it happening by his incompetence? The first thing he did was to shut down the Keystone XL pipeline throwing at least 80,000 people out of good paying jobs but he approved the Russian pipeline to Western Europe making them subject to being cut off in a major conflict. He then shut down fracking on federal lands and asked OPEC to increase production. We are once again dependent for oil on people who don’t like us very much.
He opened our southern border so more than 200,000 immigrants are coming over each month in the hottest times of the year. And why wouldn’t they come? During the campaign, he promised to welcome them and give them free health care. Many of them have COVID-19, but are given passage around the country anyway.
He has promoted $6 trillion in new spending. The late Senator Everett Dirksen once said “a million here, a million there, we are soon talking about real money.” In the current versio...
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