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Letter: In defense of liberalism

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Webster’s Dictionary defines “liberal” as “Holding, expressing, or following views or policies that support the freedom of individuals to act or express themselves as they choose.” Calling liberalism a “disease” (“Honoring America,” Dawn Dale, Sept. 28 Readers Write) is not only ignorant, but hateful and divisive. This kind of thinking is the reason American government fails at all levels. Too many elected officials and their supporters believe theirs is the only acceptable position on any given issue, even when they don’t appear to understand the issue.
Professional football players have a Constitutional right to take a knee to peacefully express their view that they cannot honor this country’s symbols until their race is honored by punishing white police officers who shoot unarmed African-Americans. This isn’t about the flag, the national anthem or the military. It’s about high-prof...

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