Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I’m 73 years old and my parents and siblings all died several years ago. The coronavirus has forced us all to think about life and death.
For me, life has become more precious. My son and daughter, three grandsons and great-granddaughter are all healthy and a great-grandson will be born in the summer.
I can barely watch TV. The death count rules the airwaves. So now we turn off the TV, eat at the dining table and talk about our past and future.
My consulting is now by videoconferencing but I’m able to write based on my values and experiences without shaping it to body language. A much more honest approach.
I sit by the pier when weather permits and hear birds singing and am thankful they don’t know about the virus. They’re mating now and I’m buying more birdseed. I feel connected to them and want to help them with their season of nesting.
The house is getting very needed organizing and I’m discovering letters and photos of happy times. I’m getting rid of items ...
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