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Letter: Holly Smith has earned the respect of colleagues

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

As the former program director for the Williamsburg/James City County Victim Assistance Program, I would like to share my personal observations of working with Holly Smith, candidate for Gloucester’s Commonwealth’s Attorney. I had the pleasure of working with Holly for almost three years before I retired, and during that time we worked on a variety of cases, especially child sexual assault.

Holly’s knowledge of the law, along with her high ethical standards—both in and out of the courtroom—have gained her the respect of law enforcement and the defense bar, but more importantly, from the victims she has worked with, regardless of age.

I have watched first-hand as she explained the court system to adults and small children, some as little as 6 years old, in terms they could understand. She took the time to listen to their concerns and answer all their questions, regardless of how small the question was. Being a crime victim c...

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