Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Linda Hodges has the knowledge, experience and compassion we need on our school board in Mathews County. Linda received her bachelor’s degree in sociology, and became a licensed clinical social worker. Later, she earned a master’s degree in social work and went on to specialize in school counseling.
Linda began her career at the Middle Peninsula-Northern Neck Community Services Board and eventually became a regional coordinator before deciding to accept a job closer to home … That job was counselor at Mathews High School, where she was well loved and respected by students, parents and colleges. After 11 years as a counselor for MHS, Linda returned to the Community Services Board where she is now the Executive Director. As the director of the MPNN CSB, Linda oversees one of 40 boards across Virginia that provide comprehensive clinical and support services to those in need. The service area includes 10 counties, including Mathews County.
Linda is experienced at i...
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