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Letter: Heed the majority

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I agree with S.M. Greaves (“Retiring symbols of privilege,” May 26 Readers Write). We should set the example on what the people want in the county. Instead of listening to the few, let us listen to the majority. This is a republic and we go to the polls and vote on things and do what the people want.
Slavery is wrong and you can’t justify it. Nobody here is for slavery; there has not been slavery in the Old Dominion in 157 years, so there is nobody alive today that has experienced any such thing.
Slavery still exists today, but not many people talk or protest against it. The biggest group of people are the Uyghurs, used as slaves in China to manufacture goods to sell in the United States. But the Biden administration does nothing about it; the administration should ban the import of all goods from China. Plus, the slave trade still comes across the border daily and the Biden administration does nothing to stop it. There’s still slavery in Africa today. I do not...

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