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Letter: Hear my cries

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Abortion is both a moral and legal question. There is more to it than just “her body, her choice.”
Have you taken the time to really dissect what an abortion is? I know I didn’t until I went to work in the operating room as a Registered Nurse. I observed firsthand the termination of a pregnancy where after sucking a baby’s body out of a women’s uterus with a high-power suction, the surgeon turned around to the back table and emptied the contents from the mother’s uterus onto the table to make sure he had gotten all the parts, you know, arms, legs, etc. …
As horrible as this sounds, that is what an abortion is. And that isn’t talking about late-term abortions.
It’s not just a matter of a women’s rights. What about the baby’s rights? Is it the woman’s right to decide whether the body within her gets to live or not? Shouldn’t she decide that before conception? There are all kinds of birth control products on the market. Wouldn’t it be better to use those methods i...

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