Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Much has been written in these pages about Mitt Romney’s "47 percent" comment and the fact that his income tax rate of 14 percent is less than most working folks’ pay. On the first count, Romney was correct about the 47 percent. When you have a nation where nearly half of all households pay no income tax at all and a president who continues to ask the wealthy to pay more, then you have a nation heading down a dangerous path.
The president paints successful people as slackers who do not pay enough while fomenting class envy from those who pay nothing. He is pandering for votes from those dependent on the government. We have nearly 50 million people getting food stamps, a number that has grown by almost 14 million under Obama.
Mr. Romney’s goal is to get those people back to work and make them contributors, not takers. Obama’s goal is to redistribute wealth—take money from those who earn it, give it to those who don’t, ...
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