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Letter: Hate and its results

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

It seems to never end. Now the city of Paris, France, is the target, and the hateful attack was well planned with many being murdered. The problem now is that the government believes it has to get more deeply involved by monitoring even those who have nothing to do with what happened—more invasion of private lives that will end up taking away the freedom their citizens once had.

The irony of this action is that it is what the murderers want—to instill fear in the people, more rules and control over everyone, just like what already exists in the country these killers come from! French authorities claim they did not have the funds needed to continue monitoring the movements of these terrorists and this is the result of their excuse. Apparently, the only time extra money is available is when politics is involved, similar to other governments.

France and so many other nations pushed out God and the values that come from Him, and every time this is do...

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