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Letter: Grateful for supervisors

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I am grateful for our Gloucester Board of Supervisors. They work tirelessly for little pay for the benefit of our citizens. They are very conservative with taxpayers’ money, unlike our federal government who throws it away by the trillions.
They take a lot of grief from a small number of people, yet if they are doing a bad job, why didn’t anyone run against them in November? The answer is simple: They are the best we’ve had in a long time and I (among many others) hope they stay for a while.
They are faced with many new problems and trying to fund many projects. They also did something to protect our county by rejecting Syrian refugees. We have 50,000 homeless veterans and many homeless in this country living in abandoned buildings. Would you abandon your own child for a child from another country? Those who want to help the Syrians need to send them money so they can continue to live in their own country.
C.W. Davis Jr.
Bena, Va.

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