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Letter: Good job on county budget

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I want to commend the members of the Gloucester Board of Supervisors for their diligence in developing and passing our latest budget. This in-depth, line-item review of our budget is what all of our governments should expect and receive. The board’s efforts at keeping our taxes low and making government more efficient helps everyone.
As I followed the budget process, the call for pay raises from the government workers seemed reasonable, but one-sided. There didn’t seem to be any significant concern from the property owners or renters opposing this real estate tax increase. This lack of objection could be easily interpreted as an approval of the tax increase. I prepared to pay more, for the rest of my life, to local government.
My wife and I are retired and live on a fixed income. I’m thankful that the increase was passed at 1.5 cents. However, considering the 3 to 4 percent yearly growth of local government, it is likely they’ll need mor...

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