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Letter: Gibson for Gloucester BOS

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Since moving to the Petsworth District of Gloucester nine years ago, I have worked hard to give back to our community by volunteering at the Piankatank Community League and in many other ways.
I see that desire to give back without personal gain in Ken Gibson, and that is one reason I support his campaign for the Gloucester Board of Supervisors.
I believe that the key issues he has identified are important: fostering a vibrant economy to help keep taxes low for everyone, enhancing education and ensuring that money allocated for schools goes to schools, and expanding high speed Internet access in our county. Ken brings extensive experience, having served in the military, in state and federal government, and now serving his clients through his small business in Gloucester. He has workable plans and solutions to accomplish the goals identified, and a track record that gives us confidence.
Finally, I find Ken to be very approachable and easy to talk to. He returns ...

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