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Letter: Gibson for Gloucester BOS

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
My family has lived at Freeport Landing on the Piankatank River in the Petsworth District of Gloucester since the early 1800s. I have worked as a waterman, and I have served as Department Head for Conservation and Replenishment at the Virginia Marine Resources Commission for 25 years.
I know the importance of protecting our rivers, the Chesapeake Bay, and our shellfish and fisheries. We must protect and promote these cherished resources, while also supporting our watermen and aquaculture entrepreneurs. These missions are vital so that people can continue to make a living from the water, and we can all enjoy it for generations to come.
We need county leaders who understand the right balance needed, will work hard to study all the related issues, and will make wise decisions. Ken Gibson will be that kind of leader on our Gloucester Board of Supervisors.
I have known Ken and his family for several years, and have always found Ken to be intelligent, thoughtful, and...

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