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Letter: Fundraiser was a nuisance for neighbors

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

The Bay School Arts Center fundraiser recently held in our rural Susan neighborhood was intrusive. Events like this do not belong in a neighborhood. We were plagued with increased traffic and high noise levels from early morning to late night for several days.

People drove through and parked in our yard, clearly marked with "No Trespassing" signs. I was approached and told by rude people to actually stay out of my driveway. People cursed my dog (who was confined to the yard) for barking at strangers. My family and I live in Mathews to escape this kind of violation of privacy.

I have nothing against fundraisers. I fully believe everyone has the right to support any charity or event they deem worthy, but keep fundraisers out of our neighborhoods. This type of event should stay at the Bay School or be in a rented venue such as the Ruritan Club building. Respect others and their property!

J. Butler

Susan, Va.

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