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Letter: For Winebarger

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

We live in the Petsworth District and met with one of the candidates after he came to our house knocking on the door. This man believes we are wasting money on our school systems by mismanagement and not directing the funds to help our teachers. Plus he said we are paying too many department heads nearly $100,000 per year while duplicating many actions that could be combined. We like his thoughts and his nonpolitical manner. He is down to earth and wants a better Gloucester to live in and not solve our problems by continuing to raise taxes every other year. This man is not like his opponent who has said he supports anything the school board wants to do and any funding. The person we will support is Mike Winebarger, a no-nonsense candidate who will support education through the most important factor (the teachers); it’s not new schools or buildings who will teach our children.

Elizabeth Richie

Douglas Richie

Gloucester, Va.

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