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Letter: For Post, Seabolt, Nash, Baker, Endquist

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

This is an important election as it will reflect our Gloucester School Board’s power over the teachers’ unions for the next four years. The teachers’ unions are introducing materials that are totally inappropriate for students K-12. Instead of concentrating on basic skills of math, English, science and other essential skills, they have included their ideologies of LBTQ+ as part of their curriculum. Was this ever brought to the attention of, or given parents the opportunity to review and/or approve their dictates—Why?

I know there are children in our country who are changing from male to female, and female to male at an all-too-early age. Children and young adults do not have the ability to make such decisions as their brains have not stopped growing. Parents are being pressured to accept this behavior by being given the impression that this is a trend. Trends are not mandated. Children are being taken away from parents who disagree with their views and s...

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