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Letter: For Post, Nash, Baker, Seabolt and Engquist

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

One of the most important elections in Gloucester’s history is currently taking place. We The People of Gloucester will have to decide whether we want our public schools to continue down the path of decline; or do we want to see our local schools become the absolute best in the state and possibly the country?

Do we want to continue to be ignored as parents, teachers and citizens; or do we want a school board that sincerely encourages and values our involvement? Do we want our school board to continue to have discussions and make decisions in secret and then vote in public with little or no regard for the community’s input; or do we want a board that publicly discusses matters in detail and encourages complete transparency within the limits of the law?

Do we want our school board to continue to go with the flow by following along with the school policies and everything else nongovernmental entities like the Virginia School Board Association and the Vir...

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