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Letter: For Post, Baker, Seabolt, Nash, Engquist

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

In the midst of this election season, our community finds itself at a crossroads, tasked with the important decision of electing members to our school board. It’s not just about filling positions; it’s about selecting representatives who will transparently communicate their vision for Gloucester schools.

Over the past few weeks, and even years in the case of Mr. Darren Post, candidates like Post, Baker, Seabolt, Nash, and Engquist have been consistently forthcoming about their stance on critical issues. They’ve utilized various platforms to share their thoughts, plans, and commitment to our educational community. This dedication demonstrates not only their passion for our schools but also their respect for the electorate.

Regrettably, we find a stark contrast in the approach of their opponents, Months into the campaign, and we are yet to see any substantive advertising from them outlining what they stand for. In today’s era of information accessibilit...

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