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Letter: For Diggs

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Mary Kathryn Diggs is an excellent choice to serve as a member of the Mathews County School Board.

Mary Kathryn retired from her 27-year teaching career in 2015. Due to the need for substitute teachers, she has spent the past seven years accepting multiple long- and short-term teaching assignments in Mathews. Being in the schools has allowed her to see many of the current challenges and issues that the Mathews school system is facing. It is her concern over these issues and challenges and their impact on student learning that has led her to run for a seat on the Mathews County School Board.

Mary Kathryn is a native of Mathews County. She is active in civic and community programs. Her experiences in working with these programs have demonstrated the progress that can be made when the citizens of Mathews work together toward a common goal. Mary Kathryn’s priority is to promote that same positive collaboration between the citizens of Mathews, its school b...

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