Editor, Gazette-Journal:
There are many fine points to small town living, but it seems that navigating the parking lot at Food Lion is not one of them. From poor traffic engineering to lack of defensive driving to simply not paying attention, the Food Lion parking lot has become a perilous venue.
I end up frustrated every time I go to Food Lion or the post office, and, quite honestly, I am surprised that there have not been more vehicular or pedestrian accidents in that parking lot.
For quite some time, the lines and arrows in the lot have been in need of repainting, but it seems that this is on someone’s back burner. Furthermore, drivers regularly disregard the one-way arrows that are painted on the lot. It is quite easy, if one looks, to follow the flow of ingress and egress; however, drivers are either too busy to pay attention or simply feel that they are not subject to the arrows. It is also frustrating that drivers entering the lot from the ingress pull so wide and drivers ...
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