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Letter: Executive overreach

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

What gave President Biden the idea he could cancel the debt of millions of students?

The threat to American democracy is not Mr. Biden or Mr. Trump. The real threat is Congress transferring its power to the president. This has been going on gradually for many years. The most telling examples of this process are the wars that were never declared by Congress: i.e., Vietnam, Iraq and Afghanistan. All these wars ended with disasters. In addition, the president has been given the power, by Congress, to withhold funds approved by Congress. Nowhere in the Constitution is Congress given the power to transfer any of its powers to the president, yet this is what is happening.

The writers of the Constitution intended the Congress to be the most powerful of the three branches of government. It gave the Congress the sole power to declare war and control the purse strings. Both the “military actions” and the presidential power to “impound” funds are important steps...

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