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Letter: Edwards for Sheriff

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

As a resident of Mathews County for 50-plus years, I am saddened to see the current behavior of some of our political representatives attacking others. My wife and I raised our children through Mathews schools, and we were all active members at Kingston Parish Episcopal Church. Compassion for others was instilled in our children from a young age.

My daughter, April Edwards, is running for Mathews County Sheriff after providing many years of dedicated service as a Deputy, School Resource Officer, Investigator, and now Major. She works tirelessly each day to ensure the needs of the community are met. She obtains funding from outside sources to help purchase equipment or other items the Sheriff’s Office needs to save taxpayer dollars. She understands money does not flow freely and has always been conscientious when budgeting.

As the SRO, April spent time with the youth of Mathews, creating relationships to build trust between them and law enforcement. As...

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