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Letter: Education slipping away

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
I remember the days when we sent our children to school to learn to read and write … to learn math and science. They were taught the basic skills needed to become functioning adults. Lately, the emphasis of education seems to focus on indoctrination and control.
There has been displeasure from parents across the country concerning the curriculum called Critical Race Theory. CRT is foisted on unsuspecting parents as diversity, equity and inclusion initiatives. In a nutshell, Critical Race Theory teaches that America is racist. It drives educational programs and decision making based on skin color rather than, in the words of Martin Luther King Jr., the content of our character. Approximately 26 states have proposed legislation to prohibit the teaching of CRT. Virginia has decided to embrace this philosophy, whether in whole or in part.
An example of the control aspect used in your children’s education can be found by reading the Gloucester Schools’ expenditure p...

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