Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Ditches, Ditches, a word we’ve heard a lot! So I’ll add one more opinion.
I have about a football field or so of ditches, including Onemo P.O. on the front of my property. I take pride in keeping my yard attractive. For years, I have been able to cut my ditches with the riding mower. Not so anymore!
Early spring, a project concerning ditches was underway in my neighborhood. I asked that my bridge pipes be cleaned out and my ditches left alone. Fine, I was told. The next day while I was not at home, the crew went to work on my ditches. The fellow operating the machine must have been nervous because my ditches now look like the ruffle on a worn-out petticoat, with great hunks of dirt missing. A landscaper he was not. Digging deeper ditches will not help the problem until a plan is implemented to drain off the water.
In reading an old Journal, I found reference to a project of the community about a hundred years ago. The men would meet on a certain day...
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