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Letter: Denying climate change

Editor, Gazette-Journal:
Do you believe man is contributing to climate change? If you think “No,” have you realized you are in a very small group?
The vast majority of world’s people believe climate change is happening and man is a contributor to it.  Here is today’s data:
G20 countries (International Forum)—19 Yes, 1 No (U.S. is the only No); Paris Climate Accord Countries & EU—195 Yes, 1 No (US is the only No); UN Inter/Gov Climate Countries—192 Yes, 4 No (U.S., Russia, Saudi Arabia and Kuwait All Oil Producers); Climate Scientists—97 percent Yes, 3 percent No; U.S. Statistics (current polling)—70 percent Believe in Climate Change; 57 percent Believe Man Contributes.
The Fourth National Climate Assessment, which is the work of 13 U.S. federal agencies and more than 350 scientists conclude the Earth is warming faster than at any other time in human history, and we’re the ones causing it. Climate change is already aff...

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