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Letter: Daytime political forum well attended

Editor, Gazette-Journal:

Many thanks to the candidates and the community for your participation and attendance at the Mathews County Resources Council’s The Candidates Speak.

I was very pleased to see that every chair in the John Warren Cooke Conference Center at the Mathews Memorial Library was occupied! You proved wrong those who thought a daytime political forum would not be well attended. You were the audience I had hoped for: those who work during the evening hours, those who no longer drive at night and those who are very interested in what is happening in Mathews County.

It would be encouraging if some of the audience’s thoughts and concerns would be heard and their wisdom sought. Certainly the candidates expressed their positions, but neither the Board of Supervisors nor the School Board can afford to dismiss community knowledge, experience and expertise.

No matter who is elected for what position, participation (including voices sharing concerns and innovative ideas) by the people in Mathews County is the only way to enjoy living in Mathews, the pearl of the Chesapeake!

Rhoda-Jo Stress

Chair, MCRC