Editor, Gazette-Journal:
After reading an article in another newspaper about three residents charged with a synthetic marijuana bust in a neighboring community, I found the need to be involved in coming up with a solution.
What can we, as community residents, do to help?
After speaking with many caring law enforcement officers, who are extremely knowledgeable, I am now convinced that we must get involved with helping them for the safety of our children and our families.
I have spoken with officers in Gloucester, New Kent, James City County, Isle of Wight County, Mathews, King and Queen, Kilmarnock, Middlesex, West Point, Williamsburg, Hampton, Newport News and Smithfield, the Virginia State Police, the Attorney General’s Office and the Idaho State Police.
Presently, Gloucester County has several areas that sell synthetic drugs. One shop stays open until midnight on some occasions; Middlesex, York, New Kent also have such shops. Mathews has no known sites, but heavy us...
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